
Business Directory: Help the community around your institution grow

The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown regulations have been a huge challenge for businesses. Many have had to close their doors, leading to job losses, endangered livelihoods, and immense pressure on families. For many households now surviving on limited or no income, finding work is vital.

We want to address these needs and do what we can to help. That’s why we are rolling out our newest feature: the Business Directory in our Edana apps, connecting businesses with potential customers and job seekers with potential employers. Our aim is to provide a useful starting point for anyone requiring services or looking for a particular business provider from trusted and verified sources. Business Directory is entirely free and parents and alumni associated with the institution as well as the spouses or other family members of the institution’s staff members and students are eligible to use it.

Some benefits for the educational institutions

  • Create an environment of trust and community built around the institution
  • Increase the credibility of the institution by supporting its members
  • Gain the loyalty of parents, staff, and other stakeholders by keeping them engaged in this platform
  • Increase brand exposure and strengthen your marketing channels by involving more members

Some benefits for the members

  • Increase revenue and profitability, instant name recognition, credibility, and a greater sense of community and collaboration
  • Makes referring potential clients and customers to you and to others quick and easy
  • Build a loyal client base around the institution - people feel confident dealing with the institution-related business they trust
  • Relatively little competition, fewer businesses to compete within every category
Mobile business

How Does It Work?

The Business Directory module is designed to spread information, contacts, and services amongst your community. In the Directory, you can view News, Business Listings, and Job Listings added by other parents and staff from the institution.

Customers: Search in the Business Listings for any service you might need, from plumbers to vets to bookkeepers.

Job Seekers: Connect with potential employers and view job listings in your local community, all through the mobile app.

Business Owners: Find job candidates and connect to local customers, all through the app. Just fill in some basic details and get validated and your business will be listed on the Directory. As an added bonus, your business will also be listed on Edstore, Ed-admin’s new online business directory, helping you to not only promote your business among the community around the institution but also the wider world.

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