
Custom Dashboard: New ways to explore data

Customised Dashboard and Management Reports have always been one of the most popular features of Ed-admin. Now we are offering a new way that puts much more power and freedom in your hands to customise your reports and analytics.
Cost and flexibility are always a concern. You want to avoid the expense of paying developers to create your management reporting needs and also be able to adjust your dashboards and reports yourself on the fly to cater for your ever-changing needs.
You are now free to use any 3rd party data visualisation tool to connect to Ed-admin to quickly, simply, and cost-effectively create all the custom dashboards and data reports you need.


Products like Microsoft's Power BI, Tableau, Datapine etc. are cost-effective solutions that you can plug directly into your Ed-admin database to create all the reports you need.

These tools have vital benefits such as:

  • Bringing together all relevant data: You can pull data into them from multiple sources, not just Ed-admin (even offline excel documents)
  • Putting the control of data into your hands: Providing the ability to explore your organisation's data on your own, developing the detailed reports you need, as and when you need them.
  • Powerful data visualisations and AI: These tools allow users to visualise data easily and even create AI predictions that help you make sense of your data.
  • Decision making: Coupling the above, you have the ability to make the right decisions based on tailored and accurate information.

If you are interested, just get in touch with the support team or email us at and one of our team members will assist you.

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